Section 1 The matters requiring decision by the General Body will be put to the Members of Guild by the Central Executive Council through respective RECs by way of Notices for Referendum.
Section 2 Each such Notice for Referendum shall contain the date of issue and date of closing of the Responses.
Section 3 All members who are entitled to vote will send their Responses to such Notices for Referendum positively before closing date of Response to Notice for Referendum, to the Central Executive Council through the respective RECs.
Section 4 On 14th day after the Closing Date of the Responses, Central Executive Council will open these Responses and based on receipt of such Responses to the Notices for Referendum, matters will be decided.
Section 5 The Central Executive Council will intimate the result of such Referendum to the Members of Guild on 15th day after the closing date of the Response to the Notices for Referendum.


Section 1 A Meeting of the General Council shall be held at least once in two years in the second half of the March to;
a. Consider the report of the General Secretary, on activities of the Guild in the past;
b. Consider and pass accounts of the Guild for the Year presented by the Treasurer and suitably amended;
c. Consider and pass the Budget for the ensuing year.
Section 2 In such Meeting the General Council will also deliberate on the programme and policies of the Guild.


Section 1 Meetings of the Central Council shall be held to;
a. Discuss and finalise report of the General Secretary, on activities of Guild,
b. Collate and finalise accounts of the Guild,
c. Discuss and finalise the Budget,
d. Discuss issues and finalise the agenda for the General Council Meeting, when due.


Section 1 Meetings of the Central Council shall be held to;
a. Prepare report of the General Secretary, on activities of the Guild,
b. Prepare accounts of the Guild,
c. Prepare Budget till next meeting,
d. Prepare agenda for next Meeting.


Section 1 Meetings of the Central Council shall be held to;
a. Discuss and finalise report of the Regional Secretary, on activities of Guild in the Region,
b. Collate and finalise accounts of the Guild (for the Region),
c. Discuss and finalise the Budget till the next meeting,
d. Discuss issues and finalise the agenda for the next meeting.


Section 1 Meetings of the Central Council shall be held to;
a. Prepare report of the Regional Secretary, on activities of the Guild,
b. Prepare accounts of the Guild,
c. Prepare Budget till next meeting,
d. Prepare agenda for next Meeting.


Section 1 Meetings of the Central Council shall be held to;
a. Prepare report of the Branch Secretary, on activities of the Guild,
b. Prepare accounts of the Guild,
c. Prepare Budget till next meeting,
d. Prepare agenda for next Meeting.


Section 1 An extra-ordinary meeting of the General Council may be convened by the Central Executive Council or requisitioned by any 20% of the members of Guild or half the number of members of any Regional Body, subject to a minimum of 25 members, with adequate notice to all members, the period of notice being not less than 14 days, to consider any matter of importance to the Guild and its members.
Section 2 When members as aforesaid requisition an extra-ordinary meeting of the General Council, the General Secretary shall convene the same within a period of one month, failing which the President shall do so.
Section 3 An extra-ordinary meeting of the Regional Body may be convened by the Regional Executive Council or requisitioned by any 30% of the members of the Region subject to a minimum of 15 members, with adequate notice to all members, the period of notice being not less than 7 days, to consider any matter of importance to the Guild and its members.
Section 4 For the purpose of such meeting, the Regional Body shall constitute of all the Members of seat of the Regional Council, and the Regional Council.
Section 5 When members as aforesaid requisition an extra-ordinary meeting of the Regional Body, the Regional Secretary shall convene the same within a period of 14 days, failing which the President shall do so.
Section 6 An extra-ordinary meeting of the Branch may be convened by the Branch Council or requisitioned by any 30% of the members of the Branch, with adequate notice to all members, the period of notice being not less than 3 days, to consider any matter of importance to the Guild and its members..
Section 7 When members as aforesaid requisition an extra-ordinary meeting of the Branch, the Branch Secretary shall convene the same within a period of 7 days, failing which the President shall do so.

Clause I - QUORUM

Section 1 Quorum for the meeting of the Guild councils shall be more than 50% of the total number of members concerned.
Section 2 Quorum for the Branch General Body meeting shall be at least 25% of the total number of members.
Section 3 For an adjourned meeting, no quorum is required.

Clause J - VOTING

Section 1 All decision shall be taken by simple majority vote, except where a different requirement is specifically prescribed.
Section 2 Voting in all meetings shall be by show of hands or by any other method, decided by the chairperson of the meeting.

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