Radio Landing Aids

A technological development with a much greater impact on the world war's outcome (and later on commercial aviation) was radar. Radar antenna - Secondery/Primary both combinedBritish scientists had been working on a device that could give them early warning of approaching enemy aircraft even before the war began, and by 1940 Britain had a line of radar transceivers along its east coast that could detect German aircraft the moment they took off from the Continent.

Introduction of Radar in the air traffic control has definitely eased the job of Controllers as well as Pilot. A Secondery Radar at WorkThese equipments with ultra modern technology now available, provide a controller with a three dimensional picture, and also gives predicted course, traffic convergence warning etc. Though not many nations have so far completed the installation of Radar System that will cover all of the airspace under their respective jurisdiction, the ultimate goal, under FANS project (Future Air Navigation System) is to give a global surveillance system by use of composite radar system and satellite tracking system. radar||atcguildhistory

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